
Challenges of the future

Using the concepts of do-it-yourself, do-it together, learning-by-playing and fail-better to develop modern values to meet the challenges of the future.

Na delavnice

Intermedia art

The gallery showcases artists' projects from all over the world, as well as those being developed in the hub. The art projects must be linked to the topic of the relationship between individuals, society and new technologies. The artists use a variety of contemporary technologies to examine the coexistence of nature and technology.

Na razstave

Creating communities

By bringing participants together in interest-based communities to develop common projects, new workshops and actively engage in the education of others.

Na vse dogodke

About us

Xcenter is a space that brings together different fields and different progressive people to act as an accelerator of creativity.  In the gallery, we hunt for muons, in the laboratory young people try to read the light, and in lectures and round tables we design new projects and new calls for proposals. We host a great number of projects and events: intermedia exhibitions, mentor training events, KonS workshops, festivals, lectures, press conferences, round tables, meetings, recordings, workshops and similar events.

Preberi več

Where are we?

Delpinova 20,

5000 Nova Gorica

Contact us

Where are we?

Delpinova 20,

5000 Nova Gorica

Contact us