10. 07. 23 >> 18h - 23h


Borov gozdiček, Nova Gorica
// Pine park, Nova Gorica


Modularni sintetizatorji v mobilnem laboratoriju mnogoterih prihodnosti.
Pretikanje konektorjev in sukanje gumbov, pa še česa drugega. Zgolj na sončno energijo.
Žičke in mešičke bodo okoli xMobila prekrižale izbrane kombinacije ustvarjalk_cev z obeh strani meje in daleč čez:

// Modular synthesizers in a mobile laboratory of multiple futures - xMobil.
Switching connectors and twisting knobs, and stuff. On solar energy only.
Selected combinations of creatives from both sides of the border and far beyond will cross cables and earlobes around xMobil:


18.00_ Clockwork Voltage (SI) - Ida Hiršenfelder
18.40_ A Vessel Full of Void (IT) - sound-only
19.20_ Clockwork Voltage (SI) - Miha Godec
20.00_ A Vessel Full of Void (IT) - participative
20.40_ Clockwork Voltage (SI) - DUF
21.20_ Simon Weckert (DE) - The Sound of a Falling Tree..
22.00_ A Vessel Full of Void (IT) A/V
22.30_ Clockwork Voltage (SI) Dronišnica


Prigrizek+osvežitev //Snacks+drinks - Faladur

Koncept +gostoljubje //Concept+hosting - pETER Purg (PostMobilnost+xMobil, GO!2025)

Sledite xMobilu //Follow xMobil: 


Datum in ura
10. July