Festival R.o.R: JEDRO?

Xcenter bo gostil del Festivala R.o.R, ki ga organizira Zavod BridA


Jedro kot center, kot osrednja ideja, kot misel, ki združuje in povezuje, simbolizira trdno in neločljivo. Pojem jedra lahko razumemo tudi kot trdno prepričanje v neomajne temelje, na katerih graditi prihodnost, znanstvene teorije in vrednote. Po drugi strani se prav skozi znanost in umetnost trdna prepričanja nenehno rušijo in postavljajo pod vprašaj.

Letošnja edicija festivala vključuje vrsto domačih ter mednarodno priznanih umetnikov in znanstvenikov, ki izbrano temo predstavljajo s svojimi umetniškimi in raziskovalnimi projekti.


Več o festivalu: https://ror-art.com/2023/index_si.html 





The core as the center, a central idea, a concept which brings things together and connects them, symbolizes the solid and monolithic. The notion of the core may also be understood as a firm conviction in an unshakable foundation on top of which the future, scientific theories and values are to be built. On the other hand, however, it is through science and the arts that firm beliefs are regularly shattered and challenged.

This year's edition of the festival features a range of artists and scientists of national andinternational acclaim, examining the underlying theme of the festival through the lenses of their original artistic and research projects.


More about the festival: https://ror-art.com/2023/index_si.html  



Datum in ura
28. September